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Photonic crystal fibers; Dispersion; Nonlinear optics; SC generation.Abstract
In this paper, we propose the solid-core photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) with hexagonal cladding infiltrated with propanol in the air-holes. The dispersion characteristics and zero- dispersion wavelengths of these PCFs have been compared with previous publications and analyzed in detail. By investigating the dependence of the dispersion characteristics on the air-hole diameters, we determine the optimal structures with 1 µm of that. The PCF infiltrated with propanol exhibits flatter and smaller dispersion characteristic and the zero-dispersion wavelength shifted towards a longer wavelength, 24 nm compared with ethanol permeable PCFs [17]. This result shows that structure with a diameter of air-holes by 1µm is suitable for supercontinuum (SC) generation in the near- infrared wavelength range.
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