Preparation of black-TiO2 and its application in photocatalytic removal of methyl orange dye
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Photocatalysis; Black-TiO2.Abstract
For a few decades, Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) has been the most studied photocatalyst due to its significant optical property. In the paper, TiO2 pigment powder (Anatase form) was selected as a precursor to prepare a variety of Black-TiO2 samples, and the typical material was then evaluated for its photocatalytic activity in organic pollutant treatment. Some properties of Black-TiO2 were determined via common methods such as sensory analysis, X-Ray diffraction, and bandgap measurement obtained from UV-Vis spectroscopy. As a result, the material was successfully converted to more than 40% organic pollutant as Methyl Orange (C14H14N3NaO3S) for an hour, as two times higher than that of the amount converted by pristine TiO2. In addition, Black-TiO2 performed much better photocatalytic activity in an acidic medium in comparison with a neutral one, and the material also remained its activity as more than 90% after three time-continuous recycling operations.
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