Application of Mann - Kendall nonparametric testing method and Sen trend to assess Mekong delta saltwater intrusion fluctuations



  • Nguyen Van Hong (Corresponding Author) Sub-Institute of Hydrometeorology and Climate Change
  • Nguyen Thao Hien Sub-Institute of Hydrometeorology and Climate Change
  • Tran Minh Son Sub-Institute of Hydrometeorology and Climate Change
  • Phan Thanh Dan Mientrung University of Civil Engineering



Saline intrusion; Mekong Delta; 2000 - 2022; Mann - Kendall; Sen.


 The salinity evolution in the Mekong Delta is quite complicated, the highest salinity in the monitoring period hardly occurs at the same time of year, and there are fluctuations between monitoring stations in the estuary areas, inland areas, and main tributaries. The study uses data series of a number of main monitoring stations in the period 2000 - 2022 to assess the trend of increasing/decreasing salinity levels in river systems and canal systems. Mann - Kendall non - parametric testing methods and Sen trend estimation are also applied. The results are evaluated based on statistical analysis at the significance level α < 0.1 (probability of making type I error is 10%), ensuring the exclusion of extremely unstable values to the trend, then selecting the station that is qualified to calculate the Sen trend estimate. That Sen trend will represent a typical feature of the regional saline intrusion regime.


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How to Cite

H. Nguyen Van, T. H. Nguyen, Trần Minh Sơn, and Phan Thành Dân, “Application of Mann - Kendall nonparametric testing method and Sen trend to assess Mekong delta saltwater intrusion fluctuations”, JMST, no. VITTEP, pp. 37–43, Dec. 2022.



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