Application of AERMOD dispersion model for simulation of total suspended particles diffusion from thermal power plants in Vinh Tan power complex
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Total suspended particles diffusion; AERMOD; Vinh Tan Power Complex.Abstract
Vinh Tan Power Complex is currently operating with 4 Thermal Power Plants including Vinh Tan 1, Vinh Tan 2, Vinh Tan 4 and Vinh Tan 4 expansion with a total capacity of 4,284 MW. The results of applying the AERMOD model to simulate TSP diffusion from the stacks according to the scenarios show that: When the emissions treatment facilities are effective, the average maximum concentration of TSP in 1 hour is 201.62 g/m3 in the dry season and 207.00 g/m3 in the rainy season if operating at 100% capacity. In case of the emissions treatment facility of Unit 1 of Vinh Tan 1 Power Plant have problems, untreated gas is discharged into the environment, the average maximum concentration of TSP in 1 hour is 266.45 µg/m3 in dry season and 276.58 µg/m3 in rainy season. The main affected area is Linh Son mountain, about 5.0 km to the north of sources, however, the concentration of TSP is still meet the allowable limit value in all scenarios.
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