Study of the manufacturing process of 3D printing composite filaments, based on PLA plastic and aluminum powder AlSi10Mg
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3D printing; PLA plastic; FDM; Composite filament.Abstract
FDM 3D printing technology using thermoplastic such as PA, ABS, PLA, etc. is leading in popularity and application scope. Especially PLA plastic because it is not toxic to users' health, has high surface energy, relatively low melting temperature, is very suitable for use in FDM printing technique. However, PLA plastic has a low vitrification temperature that makes structures made with this material have poor thermal stability. This paper presents some results in the research and fabrication of 3D printed filaments from composite materials based on PLA plastic reinforced with AlSi10Mg aluminum powder. The fabricated composite 3D printing filament has an 15% ÷ 18% higher vitrification temperature than ordinary PLA plastic, opening up new prospects in the application of FDM 3D printing in general and FDM 3D printing using PLA in particular.
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