Research in the manufacture of graphite-carbon composite materials for application in the manufacturing of seal ring



  • Nguyen Tien Manh (Corresponding Author) Institute of Chemistry and Materials, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Doan Van Phuc Institute of Chemistry and Materials, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Anh Tuan Faculty of Basic Science, Air Defence-Air Force Academy



Seal ring; Graphite-carbon composite materials; Low friction materials; Abrasion resistance materials.


The article presents some results in research on the manufacture and evaluation of composite materials based on graphite-carbon oriented applications in the manufacture of seal ring. Composite materials are manufactured using a 3-step process: 1. Hot pressing of the mixture from phenolformadehyde resin and graphite-carbon powder mixture; 2. Sinter at a temperature of about 900 oC for 8 hours to coke the resin; 3. After coking, adsorb the product with epoxy resin at a content of (4-5)%. The material after manufacturing has a density of (1.82 ± 0.04) g/cm3; hardness (105.1 ± 2) HRF; friction coefficient (0.1647 ± 0.008); abrasion (48.2 ± 1.6) µm. The results of analysis and evaluation show that the manufactured material has physical and mechanical properties equivalent to the material sample produced in Russia, and can be used in the manufacture of the seal rings.


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How to Cite

Nguyễn, T. M., Đoàn Văn Phúc, and Nguyễn Anh Tuấn. “Research in the Manufacture of Graphite-Carbon Composite Materials for Application in the Manufacturing of Seal Ring”. Journal of Military Science and Technology, vol. 96, no. 96, June 2024, pp. 92-98, doi:10.54939/1859-1043.j.mst.96.2024.92-98.



Chemistry, Biology & Environment
