Emotion recognition from EEG signal and health status assessment based on the intensity of the emotional impact
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Recognition; Emotion; EEG; Wavelet entropy; DEAP.Abstract
Each person's emotional state is an important factor reflecting the subject's health and psycho-physiological condition; psychological disturbances that produce negative emotions along with feelings of resentment, hostility, and fatigue. Along with headaches, psychological disorders are the second most common phenomenon in the world in terms of prevalence. Emotions with a strong impact over a long period of time can predict for us the impending behaviors and state of the subject. Many research works have focused on detecting emotions by different methods. However, most of the topics only focus on detecting specific emotions; In fact, whether emotions are positive or negative if the impact is large enough over time, it can have an impact on people's health and behavior. In this study, we approach the method of assessing the subject's state based on the intensity of the emotional stimulus.
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