Path planning for multi-copter UAVs using tutorial training and self learning inspired teaching-learning-based optimization



  • Hoang Van Truong Naval Academy, Vietnam
  • Doan Van Hoa (Corresponding Author) Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Hoa Tat Thang Military Technical Academy



Path planning; Teaching learning-based optimization; Optacle avoidance; UAV; Drone; Multi-copter.


Route preparation for drones is a complex method to achieve an optimal path and meet constraints following specific tasks. This paper addresses the problem of a planning method for a multi-copter unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to examine ground surfaces. A multi-objective route planning algorithm, named the tutorial training and self learning inspired teaching learning-based optimization (TS-TLBO), is then introduced to create a feasible and flyable path while avoiding obstacles. Here, we firstly select a joint cost function that includes different constraints to improve operational safety, at the same time, to meet task requirements. The path-tracking scheme is then applied in the quadcopter to verify the proposed approach. Experiment results show the workability of our proposed path planning process.


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How to Cite

V. T. Hoang, H. Doan Van, and T. T. Hoa, “Path planning for multi-copter UAVs using tutorial training and self learning inspired teaching-learning-based optimization”, JMST, vol. 87, no. 87, pp. 32–39, May 2023.



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