Effective solution for integrated management of plastic waste in Mekong delta: Case study at Tra Vinh province
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Plastic waste; Integrated plastic waste management; Tra Vinh.Abstract
This study aims to propose integrated management solutions to reduce and collect efficiently for provinces in Mekong delta using the data of plastic waste (RTN) generation in domestic waste (RTSH) at Tra Vinh province. According to the survey data in 2021 at Tra Vinh province, the percentage of RTN in RTSH was 5.32% (equivalent to 0.034kg/person/day). The percentage of RTSH generated continuously increased, but the collection rate during 2017-2022 only presented from 63.46 to 84.72%. Moreover, there are nine solid waste treatment facilities closed (in total 20 ones in Tra Vinh). Among them, most of the landfills are open-air type, and their treatment capacity are lower than the actual demand. With the current situation of RTN in Tra Vinh, the integrated management of domestic solid waste is expected to help synchronize management, promote cooperation between scrap collection units and treatment facilities.
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