Assessment of the actual state of arising and managing plastic and domestic waste in Tra Vinh using DPSIR method



  • Tran Tuan Viet (Corresponding Author) Institute for Tropical Technology and Environmental Protection
  • Tran Thi Hoai Institute for Tropical Technology and Environmental Protection
  • Duong Nguyen Cam Tu Institute for Tropical Technology and Environmental Protection
  • Duong Van Hiep Tra Vinh Department of Natural Resources and Environment
  • Hoang The Hung Nguyen Tat Thanh University
  • Nguyen Thi Thuy Institute for Tropical Technology and Environmental Protection
  • Le Anh Kien Institute for Tropical Technology and Environmental Protection



Plastic waste; Domestic waste; DPSIR; Solid waste management; Tra Vinh.


In this research, DPSIR (Driving forces, Pressure, State, Impact, Response) method was chosen to assess the plastic and domestic waste situation in Tra Vinh. The data was used in this article came from both outsources and survey information, which was collected from 1,166 participants. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between the increasing ratio of plastic/domestic waste and population or gross regional domestic product per capita. The average amount of plastic waste of each person in Tra Vinh is 0.642 kg-plastic/person/day and it has a positive correlation with local people income. The pressure on environment, human health, economic and social development from plastic/domestic waste collecting and treating system in Tra Vinh were also assessed in this study. To solve the plastic/domestic waste situation in Tra Vinh, the integrated management approach has been proposed to apply. It included all following actions (1) improve policy power; (2) apply morden and suitable technology; (3) collect all of stake holders; and (4) let the local people’s support be come the community strength.


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How to Cite

Trần Tuấn Việt, “Assessment of the actual state of arising and managing plastic and domestic waste in Tra Vinh using DPSIR method”, JMST, no. 84, pp. 73–79, Dec. 2022.



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