Investigating the resonance frequency shift in graphene-integrated metamaterial absorber
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THz; Metamaterials; Absorb electromagnetic wave; Tunable.Abstract
With great application potential in fields such as high-performance thermal radiation, high-sensitivity biochemical sensors, molecular sensing techniques, and the energy field, THz metamaterial absorbers have attracted much research attention. In particular, research aimed at creating controllable absorbing metamaterials that can change their absorption properties after fabrication through external effects is vital. In this study, we propose a design for a metamaterial absorber that can change its absorption frequency by integrating a graphene mesh. An external electric field can control the resonance frequency of the structure through the Fermi energy of graphene. The MMA structure is simply designed consisting of gold disks placed on a graphene mesh. Simulation results show that the absorption frequency is controlled from 1.67 THz to 1.9 THz corresponding to a change in the Fermi energy of graphene from 0.0 eV to 0.5 eV.
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