Investigation of single mode high-power fiber laser used in industrial metal cutting machines



  • Do Thanh Tung (Corresponding Author) Institute of Technical Physics, Academy of Military Science and Technology



Fiber laser; High power; Single mode; Rare earth doped; Yb3 doped.


High-power fiber lasers have demonstrated great potential in various industries such as industrial, medical, aerospace, defense, and many others. Utilizing single-mode fiber configuration offers advantages such as good beam quality, high power, stability, and efficiency. Therefore, high-power single-mode fiber lasers are applied in the manufacturing and processing of fine details. Ytterbium-doped active fibers are primarily used as the amplification medium, generating laser sources with powers exceeding 200W. The objective of this paper is to simulate the intensity distribution of single-mode fiber, analyze parameters affecting the output power of high-power fiber lasers, such as refractive index, core diameter, fiber length, pump scheme, and beam quality (M2). This aims to select optimal characteristics for single-mode fiber in specialized metal cutting laser machine applications.


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How to Cite

Đỗ Thanh Tùng, “Investigation of single mode high-power fiber laser used in industrial metal cutting machines”, JMST, vol. 100, no. 100, pp. 98–105, Dec. 2024.



Physics & Materials Science