Determination the orientation of axis of cylindrical roller by using the angular rate sensing gyroscopes



  • Hoang Manh Tuong (Corresponding Author) Military Technical Academy
  • Le Tuan Anh Academy of Military Science and Technology



Cylindrical surface; Paralign alignment; Rate gyro; Cylindrical shaft; Shaft alignment.


The paper proposes an algorithm to determine the orientation of cylindrical axis to correct orientation cylindrical shaft. The directional angle of each cylindrical axis is characterized by a directional vector . The directional vector  can be determined through two normal vectors with the cylindrical axis base on the cross product these vectors. To determine the normal vector of the cylindrical surface, three rate gyroscopes are used and they are placed perpendicular to each other attached to create a measuring device. When the measuring device is placed on the cylindrical shaft, the normal vector of the measuring plane will be perpendicular to this cylindrical plane. Therefore, the problem is to determine the normal vector of the measuring plane of this device. From the information received about the normal vectors with the rulo surface, it is possible to determine the direction vector .

 In order to test and evaluate the solution given in the article to simulate, investigate the algorithm to determine the position angle of the roller axis in the coordinate system associated with the earth using Matlab Simulink software.




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How to Cite

Hoàng Mạnh Tưởng, and Lê Tuấn Anh. “Determination the Orientation of Axis of Cylindrical Roller by Using the Angular Rate Sensing Gyroscopes”. Journal of Military Science and Technology, no. FEE, Dec. 2022, pp. 58-64, doi:10.54939/1859-1043.j.mst.FEE.2022.58-64.



Research Articles
