Evaluation of adaptive control algorithms for flight path angle stabilization of small aerial vehicles



  • Hoang Minh Dac (Corresponding Author) Institute of Missile, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Viet Phuong Institute of Missile, Academy of Military Science and Technology




Wind turbulence; UAV; Adaptive control; Speep-gradient algorithm.


This paper presents adaptive control schemes (state-based and output-based adaptation) to stabilize the flight path angle of small UAVs under wind turbulence conditions. The performance of the two adaptive control schemes is evaluated. Simulation results using MATLAB/SIMULINK with an assumed UAV model show that the adaptive controllers significantly reduce the impact of wind turbulence, greatly enhancing flight safety. The results also show that the state-based adaptive controller has smaller steady-state errors and shorter settling times compared to the output-based adaptive controller.


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How to Cite

Hoàng Minh Đắc and Nguyễn Việt Phương, “Evaluation of adaptive control algorithms for flight path angle stabilization of small aerial vehicles”, JMST, no. FEE, pp. 49–54, Dec. 2023.



Research Articles