Synthesis of high-order adaptive non-linear control system with uncertain parameters using the backstepping method



  • Hoang Minh Dac (Corresponding Author) Institute of Missile, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Viet Phuong Institute of Missile, Academy of Military Science and Technology



Aerial Vehicle; Controller major function; Aeroelasticity.


Backstepping control is a widely used control method that offers significant advantages, such as robustness against disturbances and parameter variations, reduced system order, and a simple control structure. However, if the system order is greater than three, the problem of calculating high-order derivatives becomes very complex. This article presents a method for synthesizing a class of high-order nonlinear systems based on using the backstepping method to simplify calculations and leverage its benefits. MATLAB/SIMULINK simulations using an assumed aircraft model demonstrate that using the Backstepping adaptive control system significantly reduces the impact of noise and enhances aircraft flight safety.


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How to Cite

Hoàng Minh Đắc and V. P. Nguyễn, “Synthesis of high-order adaptive non-linear control system with uncertain parameters using the backstepping method”, JMST, vol. 90, no. 90, pp. 22–29, Oct. 2023.



Research Articles