Study to determine γ-polyoxymethylene (γ-POM) content in ballistic propellants
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Propellant; PAD; PUD; γ-POM content; Effect; Modulus; Concentration; Temparature; Time; Volume.Abstract
This paper presents the results of research on determining the γ-POM content in ballistic propellant by gravimetric method. The results show that at the sample digestion stage N,N-dimethylformamide is used with a solvent/propellant mass ratio of 35, soaking time is about 11 hours, sample mass is (3.0±0.1) grams. In the suction filtration and washing stage, the HNO3 concentration of 5% was selected with a suction filtration and washing time of 15 minutes for the removal of Pht-Cu-Pb, CaCO3 and ethyl ether volume of 40 mL with filtration time suction and washing takes 30 minutes for the vaseline removal process. Through research, a process has been developed and analyzed to determine γ-POM content in ballistic propellant.
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