Researching, manufacturing porous propellant used for K-59 ammunition in the laboratory



  • Pham Van Khuong (Corresponding Author) Viện Thuốc phóng thuốc nổ, Tổng cục Công nghiệp Quốc phòng
  • Hoang The Vu Viện Thuốc phóng thuốc nổ, Tổng cục Công nghiệp Quốc phòng
  • Do Duc Tri Viện Thuốc phóng thuốc nổ, Tổng cục Công nghiệp Quốc phòng
  • Le Duy Binh Viện Thuốc phóng thuốc nổ, Tổng cục Công nghiệp Quốc phòng
  • Ha Duc Giang Viện Thuốc phóng thuốc nổ, Tổng cục Công nghiệp Quốc phòng
  • Pham Thanh Dat Viện Thuốc phóng thuốc nổ, Tổng cục Công nghiệp Quốc phòng
  • Duong Tien Nguyen Viện Thuốc phóng thuốc nổ, Tổng cục Công nghiệp Quốc phòng



Porous propellant; P-K59; 9x18 mm K59; Shrinkage; Particle size; Porous agent; Soaking.


The article studies the effect of ratio solvents/Pi on the quality of semi-finished products of P-K59 propellant. The results show that choosing the solvent/Pi ratio for the nitromas mixing process in the range from 130% to 140%, the nitromass after mixing has a good colloidal quality to ensure the compression process, shrinkages according to the needle diameter from 22.8% to 25.2% and according to the burning thickness from 37.26% to 39.16%. Study on the effects of time, temperature, and a water/propellant ratio in the soaking process. Optimal soaking mode: Soak semi-finished propellants at 45 oC, soak time for 12 hours with a water/propellant ratio of 12, and change the water every hour. Fabricated 03 samples of P-K59 propellant have ingredient ratio when mixing nitromas (115,125,135) parts by weight KNO3/100 parts by weight of pyrocylin in the laboratory with different amounts of porous agent and particle size of porous agent. The test results of K59 bullets showed that using 03 samples of P-K59 propellant made in the laboratory with 0.22 g of stuffing gave the same satisfactory firing results as when using the C-K59 propellant of the Factory Z1 with 0.3 g of stuffing.


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How to Cite

K. Phạm Văn, “Researching, manufacturing porous propellant used for K-59 ammunition in the laboratory”, JMST, no. 80, pp. 106–113, Jun. 2022.



Research Articles