The results of a survey on the mechanical properties, energy characteristics, and qualitative analysis of materials on combustible cartridge case
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Combustible cartridge case; Mechanical properties; Burning characteristics; Qualitative analysis.Abstract
The article presents some results of a survey on the mechanical properties, energy characteristics, and qualitative analysis of materials in foreign combustible cartridge cases. The results show that the material has a density of about 1.40 g/cm3, Young's modulus of elasticity in the range 1300-2000 N/mm2, the tensile strength of the material ranges from 15.4-34.2 Mpa (depending on the orientations and positions), elongation is not less than 2%, the heat of combustion is not less than 550kcal/kg, flash point is not less than 180°C, the composition contains reinforcement material that is insoluble in acetone and is made of craft paper from chemical pulp produced by the sulphate method, the substances soluble in acetone are trinitrotoluene and nitrocellulose. It is expected that nitrocellulose plays the role of the main energy carrier, trinitrotoluene is the binder and energy supplement.
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