Preparation of the porous spherical propellant by using the additives of alkali-metal salt
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Spherical propellant; Additive; Alkali-metal salt; Porous spherical propellant.Abstract
This article presents the research results on using some alkali-metal salts as additives in the technological process of making porous spherical propellants and the effects of some of these additives on the porosity and some characteristics of the propellant. The porous spherical propellants are prepared using the emulsion method with additive concentrations of Na2SO4, K2SO4, and KNO3 from 0% to 3%. The important characteristics of the sample were determined, such as heat of combustion (Qv), bulk density (ω), temperature of ignition (Tig), and chemical stability. The porosity is calculated and converted through bulk density and theoretical density. The results show that the sample with the Na2SO4 salt has the best porosity (51÷53%) at concentrations over 2%. The important characteristics of the porous propellant do not change significantly compared to the no-additive spherical propellant.
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