Sliding Mode Control for Stewart platform manipulators: A quasi-physical model-based approach
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Stewart Platform; System modeling; Sliding Mode Control; Quasi-Physical Model; Simscape/MATLAB.Abstract
This paper presents the design and implementation of a Sliding Mode Control (SMC) strategy for a 6-degree-of-freedom parallel robot, the Stewart Platform. The Stewart Platform is a type of parallel robot characterized by a structure consisting of six links connecting a fixed base to a movable platform, allowing for precise movement and control. This research begins with a detailed mathematical modeling of the Stewart Platform, capturing the system's complex kinematic and dynamic characteristics. Based on the system's dynamic model, the paper introduces a control method utilizing SMC for the Stewart Platform. Subsequently, a Simscape model, a simulation environment based on MATLAB, is provided to validate the performance and accuracy of the proposed control strategy. The simulations demonstrate significant improvements in the precision and stability of SMC in enhancing the operational efficiency of parallel robots. The simulation results are available at:
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