Control of liquid sloshing container in horizontal motion by generating a trajectory based on the flatness theory



  • Cao Duc Thanh Vietnam Maritime University
  • Nguyen Viet Khanh Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  • Tran Thi Thanh Thao Thai Nguyen University of Technology
  • Nguyen Van Minh Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Danh Huy Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Tung Lam (Corresponding Author) Hanoi University of Science and Technology



Sloshing; Flat output; Motion control.


The oscillation of liquid inside a moving container is a complex nonlinear dynamic phenomenon that can induce instability in the fluid-containing system. This paper proposes a stabilization method for liquid surface oscillations at the initial and final points of the trajectory, utilizing flatness to establish the trajectory and constructing a tracking controller. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through simulation results.


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How to Cite

Cao Đức Thanh, Nguyễn Việt Khánh, Trần Thị Thanh Thảo, Nguyễn Văn Minh, Nguyễn Danh Huy, and Nguyễn Tùng Lâm, “ Control of liquid sloshing container in horizontal motion by generating a trajectory based on the flatness theory”, JMST, no. FEE, pp. 92–98, Dec. 2024.



Control – Automation

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