Research on the application of high-speed flight vehicles for testing aerospace electronics
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Dynamics; Structures; Flight vehicles.Abstract
In this study, the authors conducted calculations and testing of a high-speed flight vehicle, designated as TLM-515. TLM-515 achieved a peak velocity of approximately 750 m/s and a maximum altitude of around 10 km. The vehicle carried two critical, self-developed electronic devices: a GPS satellite navigation device and an inertial navigation sensor (INS), collectively referred to as onboard systems. The objective was to evaluate their independent and combined operational capabilities in high-speed flight conditions. Test results demonstrated that TLM-515 followed a stable trajectory, and the onboard systems effectively measured the vehicle's kinematic parameters, thereby assessing the functionality of the electronics in a high-speed environment. This solution has shown a high level of reliability, suggesting its potential applicability to similar experimental platforms.
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