Sliding mode control with a hybrid reference model in time-varying uncertain parameters and disturbance systems





Reference model; Uncertain system; Time-varying disturbances; Sliding mode control; Compensated control.


In this paper, the model following the problem of a system with time-varying uncertain parameters and disturbances is concerned. There are two reference models used for synthesizing control law. By using the first reference model with the same control input as the actual system, the error of the first reference model output and real system output are determined. At the same time, the primary control law is synthesized for another reference model for the desired performance. The compensated control has two parts: the first one is synthesized from the pseudo derivative of the error of the first reference model output and the actual system; the second one is synthesized from the error of the second model output and system output by sliding mode control technique. The control law applied to the actual system is the total of the primary and compensated control law. The system with a control law synthesized by this algorithm will follow the model. The results are verified by simulation.


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How to Cite

T. H. Vu Quoc and Nguyễn Vũ, “Sliding mode control with a hybrid reference model in time-varying uncertain parameters and disturbance systems ”, JMST, vol. 88, no. 88, pp. 3–12, Jun. 2023.



Research Articles