Frequency and voltage control in microgrid-based hybrid DFIG -BESS in island mode



  • Nguyen Van Hung Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Hanoi University of Industry
  • Chu Thanh Binh Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Hanoi University of Industry
  • Phan Hong Quang Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Hanoi University of Industry
  • Trinh Trong Chuong (Corresponding Author) Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Hanoi University of Industry
  • Dao Huy Du Faculty of Electronics, Thai Nguyen University of Technology
  • Nguyen Duc Huy School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology



Microgrid; Doubly Fed Induction Generator; Battery Energy Storage System; Frequency and voltage control.


Wind power using a Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) is widely used due to its many outstanding features. However, in the microgrid (MG) in off-grid mode, the DFIG needs support from other sources to be able to work stability. This paper proposes a model of DFIG combined with a battery energy storage system capable of self-maintaining grid voltage and frequency during isolation from the system grid. The converter control system attached to the BESS is built to increase the flexibility of the proposed model, taking into account the state of the system grid, local load needs, and allowable capacity of the BESS, as well as the wind speed. This paper also simulated and analyzed the results when the microgrid disconnected from the system grid on the tool Matlab/Simulink. The frequency and voltage response of the proposed model, when isolation occurs, are completely within the allowable limits.


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How to Cite

Nguyễn Văn Hùng, Chu Thanh Bình, Phan Hồng Quang, Trịnh Trọng Chưởng, Đào Huy Du, and Nguyễn Đức Huy, “Frequency and voltage control in microgrid-based hybrid DFIG -BESS in island mode”, JMST, vol. 92, no. 92, pp. 3–11, Dec. 2023.



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