Pitch angle control based on uncertainty observation for hydraulic motor system in wind turbine
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Servo hydraulic motor; Pitch angle; Uncertainty disturbance observer; Dynamic surface controller; Backstepping; Disturbance observer; Radial basis function.Abstract
This article presents a model of a servo hydraulic motor driving a wind turbine blade under the influence of total uncertainty including model error, wind load moment and moment caused by friction, thereby Apply uncertainty controllers and monitors to increase accuracy and stability in the process of controlling the pitch angle of the propeller. A control structure combining a disturbance observer and a Dynamic Surface Sliding Controller (DSC) has been proposed, in which the observer is designed to deal with the harmful effects that the uncertain disturbance component causes to the system. wind turbine system, the accuracy of the control system is significantly improved thanks to the appearance of the observer. The proposed control structure ensures stability for the entire wind turbine system through verification using Lyapunov stability theory. Numerical simulations were performed comparing the proposed controller with Backstepping controllers (BSP) and dynamic surface sliding controls, clearly showing a clear improvement in control quality.
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