Quadrotor control applying backstepping algorithm



  • Le Hoang Anh Vinh Long University of Technology Education
  • Le Huu Toan (Corresponding Author) Vinh Long University of Technology Education
  • Tran Duc Thuan Vinh Long University of Technology Education




Rolling control; Flight trajectory; UAV; Quadrotor.


The paper presents the application of a backstepping controller for quadrotor tracking. The backstepping controller is specially designed to accommodate the nonlinearity of the system. The results show that the controller has achieved the ability to guide the quadrotor to the target position with small error and maintain stability when tracking the predetermined trajectory. Moreover, the controller also shows good performance in tracking the trajectory under the influence of disturbances.


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How to Cite

Lê Hoàng Anh, Lê Hữu Toàn, and Trần Đức Thuận, “Quadrotor control applying backstepping algorithm”, JMST, vol. 99, no. 99, pp. 99–108, Nov. 2024.



Mechanics & Mechanical engineering

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