A study on the influence of unit component on the properties of hiss-colored smoker cluster
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Hiss-colored smoker device; Hiss - colored smoker clusters; Training; Rehearsal; Training-ready to fight.Abstract
The hiss-colored smoker device is a hand-held smoke generator equipped for the security forces and the military to use in training, drills, and training - ready to fight. The hiss-colored smoker cluster is an important detail to make the hiss-colored smoker device. Unit component has a great influence on the technical properties of the product. This paper introduced the results on the influence of unit component on some technical properties of hiss- colored smoke cluster by using several methods such as STANAG 4491, 06 TCN 889:2001,... After optimizing the unit component, the results showed that the product has technical properties that suitable for the criteria stated in the standard TCVN-AN 114:2017 with the hissing time was 14,01 ± 0,37 seconds, the intensity of hissing was 94,4 ± 0,45 dB, the color smoke emission time was 13,61± 0,41 seconds and the smoke screen was red. In additon, the results of some significant properties of combustion process showed thạt the hiss-colored smoker cluster is suitable for using as a means of emitting smoke and transmitting signals.
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