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Laser fuze; Laser wavelenght; Asmospheric attenuation.Abstract
The article presents a method to evaluate the target detection efficiency of laser fuzes operating in foggy conditions. The evaluation model is built from: the distance equation of the laser system, the attenuation of the beam in two-way propagation, the disturbances affecting the system; the signal to noise ratio SRN has determined the detection probability of the receiver. The model was used to evaluate with wavelengths: 850 nm, 1000 nm and 1550 nm, when propagating in three different bad weather conditions. The results show that the most effective detection of the target when using a wavelength of 1550 nm in visibility in haze and mist conditions (visibility V > 500 m). In fog conditions (visibility V < 500 m), the above three wavelengths provide the same detection efficiency. The article provides the method and instructions for choosing the wavelength of the laser fuze.
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