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Solid – liquid two-phase mixture; Hydraulic loss; “Cross-link” method; Horizontal pipeline; Vertical pipeline; Inclined pipeline.Abstract
The "cross-link" method was used when two-phase mixtures are moving in inclined pipelines, in which the methods for calculating the motion of solid-liquid two-phase mixtures in horizontal and vertical pipelines are used as initial dependencies. The calculation is performed with solid-phase volumetric concentration values of 5%, 10% and 15% at an inclination angle of 250. At the same time, it also determines the dependence of hydraulic loss value on pipe inclination angle. The calculation case with the flow upwards and downwards has also been shown. The comparison of the experimental and calculated data showed a fairly good agreement between them. The developed calculation method is semi-empirical and can be recommended for calculating the hydraulic slope in inclined pipelines.
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