Researching and designing software simulates jamming functions of suppression devices



  • Bui Thi Thanh Tam (Corresponding Author) Institute of Electronics, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Vu Le Ha Institute of Electronics, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Pham Van Hoa Institute of Electronics, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Pham Ngoc Son Phòng Kỹ thuật/Vùng 4 Hải quân
  • Dinh Thi Thuy Duong Academy of Military Science and Technology



Radio suppression devices; Jamming functions; Simulation system.


Researching and designing system simulation models according to the operating principles of suppression devices are necessary for mastering technical solutions and supporting technical training. In this paper, a simulation system that performs some jamming functions of the device equipped on the ship was presented. The model is designed using Matlab Simulink software. In which the received and transmitted signals are displayed in the time and frequency domain to analyze the operating mechanism of the radio suppression device and evaluate the impact of various types of jamming on the received signal of enemy radars.


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How to Cite

T. Bui, Hà, Hòa, Sơn, and Dương, “Researching and designing software simulates jamming functions of suppression devices”, JMST, no. 77, pp. 175–179, Feb. 2022.



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