Study on the influence of some factors on the combustion rate and technological properties of composite solid fuels based on hydroxyl-terminalted polybutadiene



  • Nguyen Duc Long Institute of Propellant and Explosives
  • Nguyen Van Hung Institute of Propellant and Explosives
  • Tran Huu Thanh (Corresponding Author) Institute of Propellant and Explosives
  • Doan Van Diep Hanoi University of Science and Technology



CSRP; HTPB; Burn rate; Technological properties.


The paper presents the results of research on the influence of some factors on the burn rate and technological properties of composite solid rocket fuels (CSRPs) based on hydroxyl-terminalted polybutadiene (HTPB). The initial step to determine the curing time of CSRPs sample based on HTPB at 60 oC to be 7 days. CSRPs based on HTPB have burning rates at pressure from 40 at to 22.5 mm/s, have good technological properties (spreading rate up to 0.9, penetration rate up to 340 x10-1 mm) with mechanical properties, oriented for use in manufacturing all types of cast engines.


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How to Cite

Nguyễn Đức Long, Nguyễn Văn Hùng, Trần Hữu Thành, and Đoàn Văn Điệp. “Study on the Influence of Some Factors on the Combustion Rate and Technological Properties of Composite Solid Fuels Based on Hydroxyl-Terminalted Polybutadiene”. Journal of Military Science and Technology, no. IPE, Oct. 2024, pp. 74-80, doi:10.54939/1859-1043.j.mst.IPE.2024.74-80.



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