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Electrolyte; Electrode potention; Current density; Anodic process; Cathodic process.Abstract
Electrochemistry is the field of science and technology that intersects chemistry and electricity, so there are many applications in science and life. Oxidation – reduction reaction on electrode in electrolyte is peculiar to electrochemistry. The theory of electrolyte clarifies the law of ionic conductivity, while thermodynamic clarifies the structure of the double - layer above the interface between solid electrode and electrolyses as well as the thermodynamic role of the types of electrochemical potentials, especially electrode potentials while the kinetic of electrochemical reaction are determined by the current density and controlled by the rule of electrodic processes with the overpotential and polarization. The laws of electrochemical reactions are applied to the development of the analysetechnique of qualitative and quantitatives of materials as well as the characteristics of electrode reactions. Electrochemical reactions have also been the basis for the formation of electrochemic components on the basis of the laws of ion transport and the scope of control of processes by electrochemical sensing. The advantage of using electrochemistry to transform into energy chemistry has been exploited in the technologies of manufacturing all nonferrour metals, inorganic, organic chemicals and pharmaceuticals. Metal material processing methods as well as protection, addition of functions to metal surfaces as well as anti-corrosion of metals by electrochemical technology also create special effects. The electrochemical power source for the production and storage of electrical energy is also of great importance and value as the basis for the modern development and intelligentization of all sectors of society. Electrochemistry also contributes to rapid and effective access to current areas such as environmentally effective control and treatment, diagnosis and treatment in biomedical as well as the manufacturing and extraction of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies.
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