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Treatment method; Agent orange/dioxin; Contaminated soil and sediments.Abstract
The consequences of chemical war caused by the US military (from 1961 to 1971) on Vietnamese people are extremely severe; Accordingly, a huge amount of soil and sediment in many locations such as Da Nang, Bien Hoa, Phu Cat, Dau Tieng, A Luoi, etc. were contaminated with high concentration dioxin, it should be treated as soon as possible to protect human health and the ecology. Currently, the technology to thoroughly treat dioxin in general and to treat Agent Orange/dioxin in soil and sediments, in particular, remains a difficult and complicated issue. On a global scale, there have been various studies and experiences to come up with dioxin treatment methods, but so far, no single solution or technology has been found that can thoroughly treat dioxin in contaminated soil and sediment at different pollution levels. This article briefly introduces technologies to treat dioxins in contaminated soils and sediments that have been tested, applied in Vietnam. On that basis, proposing research and experiment directions to find out technology to treat contaminated soil and sediment with dioxin in accordance with the actual conditions of Viet Nam in the near future.
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