An uplink power optimization solution for satellite HUBs station based on closed-loop control algorithm
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HUB station; VSAT; Satellite; Power control; Ku band; Transmission power; Receiver; Uplink; Downlink; Central control; Central processing; Attenuation; Noise; Algorithms; Signal-noise ratio; Heat-noise; Rain.Abstract
In this paper, we present a power optimization solution based on the automatic power control method using a closed-loop algorithm for the uplink power control device (UPC) of the satellite communication HUB station. The results are evaluated by theoretical analysis and validated by simulation model on Matlab software, finally the model has also been used in the UPC device and tested in practice. The simulation process, and the test is carried out under the impact of varying rainfall on the wave path, the results are compared with the solutions that have been and are being used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the solution. This paper is the research product of the project "Researching, designing and manufacturing the uplink power controller military satellite communication system".
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