A designing solution for bandpass filter using TE dual-mode resonator in waveguides



  • Trinh Xuan Tho (Corresponding Author) Institute of Radar, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Ngoc Phuong Institute of Radar, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Thi Thu Trang Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Vu Chi Thanh Institute of Radar, Academy of Military Science and Technology




Bandpass filter; TE dual-mode.


The article presents a design for a bandpass filter using TE dual-mode resonator. The design is based on the general scatting matrix of each discontinuity in the structure. Different propagation modes in the same waveguide section are used to represent the matrices to facilitate the design. On the basis of ultra-high frequency theory and simulation software tools, the authors have calculated the design of a 4th order bandpass filter using the resonances,  and  with two symmetrical transmission zeros.


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How to Cite

Trinh Xuan Tho, Phuong, Trang, and Thanh, “A designing solution for bandpass filter using TE dual-mode resonator in waveguides”, JMST, no. 77, pp. 30–38, Feb. 2022.



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